Default WordPress credentials and what to look out for

WordPress is a widely used content management system, mostly used for creating websites. It can be installed in multiple ways, but how do you log in?


Default login WordPress (WordPress Appliance)

The default login for WordPress is 'admin'. Your password can be retrieved from the server details page within the Tilaa Dashboard.

 Please note: This only applies to VPS instances installed with our WordPress appliance and not to manual installations. 


Please note: The password to access WordPress is initially the same as the root password to your server. To access WordPress use 'admin' instead of 'root'.

Default login WordPress (Manual Installation)

If you prefer not to use our WordPress appliance and you have installed WordPress on your server you will be asked to set up a user and password during the installation.


How can I recover the WordPress admin password?

You can easily recover your WordPress password by accessing the admin area login page and click the “Lost your password?” link. You can then enter either your Username or Email Address to receive the new password. The other option is to reset the password from the WordPress database directly.

Recover WordPress password by the "Lost your password?" link



Recovering by changing the Database directly

To retrieve the password you have to log into the server, move to the WordPress folder (Example: /var/www/wordpress), and use the following CLI commands:

# wp user list

You will see all users and ID's. Remember the ID of the password you'd like to change and update it as follows:

# wp user update 1 --user_pass=YOURNEWPASSWORDHERE

As you can see the used is the ID of the user and the YOURNEWPASSWORDHERE speaks for itself.

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