How to add Big Disk on a Windows VPS

With the help of Big Disk, you can add up to 20,000GB of additional storage space to your VPS. You can think of Big Disk as an extra (external) hard drive that you can connect to your server and use to store big amounts of data like photographs and videos. For instance, consider the backups of your VPS services. 

How to order Big Disk  

1. Navigate to your server after logging onto your Tilaa account. Click on the VPS which you want to use it for Big Disk.  

2. To order Big Disk, click on ‘Add Big Disk’.

3. Choose the disk size and type of your Big Disk drive.  When you're done, click 'Order Big Disk' to go to the next step in the order process. Please note: You must check the reinstall box, because we need to reboot your VPS to complete this process. 

4. After completing the order, you will be returned to your VPS overview page. There will be a new section called 'Big Disk’ and you can manage it by clicking on its name. 

Configuring Big Disk  

  1. Click the start icon in the lower-left corner of the server's desktop. The Server Manager appears on the screen. Click on it.  
  2. Select Tools > Computer Management from the upper-right corner.blobid5.png
  3. Choose Storage > Disk Management
  4. The system will provide you with the Initialize Disk dialog box if a disk has not been initialized. Make sure you choose GPT to overcome MBR limitations such as a maximum addressable storage space of a disk to 2 TB. 
  5. Select ‘New Simple Volume’ from the shortcut menu by right-clicking the unallocated disk space. The window for the New Simple Volume Wizard opens. 
  6. Follow the prompts and click Next. The page ‘Specify Volume Size’ appears.  Choose a volume size and then click Next. By default, the system selects the maximum volume size. You can set the volume size to whatever you like. The default configuration is utilized in this example. The page ‘Assign Drive Letter’ or ‘Path’ appears. 
  7. Give your partition a drive letter or a path, then click Next. The default configuration is utilized in this example. The page ‘Format Partition’ appears.
  8. Choose your format options and then click Next. By default, the system uses the NTFS file system. As needed, you can define the file system type. The default configuration is utilized in this example. The page ‘Finishing the New Simple Volume Wizard’ appears. 
  9. Continue by pressing the Finish button. Wait for the initialization to complete. The initialization is complete when the volume status switches to Healthy. 

After the volume has been created, click on the File Explorer icon on the task bar and check whether a new volume appears in This PC. If ‘New Volume’ displays, the disk has been successfully initialized, and there is no need to take any further action.


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