Directadmin Custombuild 2.0 plugin

DirectAdmin's software management tool is CustomBuild. The instructions below will walk you through installing and updating the CustomBuild GUI Plugin, which will allow you to update packages on the server without using the console. 


While installing DirectAdmin, you will be asked if you want to install Custombuild. DirectAdmin is likely to be installed if your unmanaged VPS came with it already installed. If it doesn't have Custombuild for whatever reason, here's how to install 1.1, 1.2, or 2.0 from scratch. 

Installation can be done using either the panel or the CLI.

Both methods are described in detail below. 

DirectAdmin Panel 

  • Log into DirectAdmin as the admin user and go to the Plugin Manager to install the plugin.
  • Click Add and type in the following URL:
  • Use Install after entering your password and ensuring that Install after upload is selected. 





  • To install the CustomBuild plugin, log onto the server via SSH as the root user and run the following commands: 
  mkdir /usr/local/directadmin/plugins/custombuild 
chown diradmin:diradmin /usr/local/directadmin/plugins/custombuild 
cd /usr/local/directadmin/plugins/custombuild 
tar -zxvf custombuild.tar.gz 
cd scripts 


How to upgrade to CustomBuild 2.0: 

If you are still using older versions of Custombuild, we recommend that you upgrade to Custombuild 2.0. You'll learn how to upgrade your CustomBuild 1.1 or 1.2 installation to 2.0 in this guide. 

1. Run the commands below: 

cd /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild 
./build version 

To upgrade DirectAdmin for Custombuild 2.0, first determine which version of Custombuild you are using. If you are currently running 2.0, which is included in all recent DirectAdmin installations, you do not need to update. 

  1. If you're using an older version of the software, run the pre-installation commands that can be found on this page. 
  2. To update to CustomBuild2 with all of the default options, type the following: 
cd /usr/local/directadmin 
mv custombuild custombuild_1.x 
wget -O custombuild.tar.gz 
tar xvzf custombuild.tar.gz 
cd custombuild 

This will create a default options.conf file, which you can keep if you want. If you want to use all of the default options, skip to the next step. If not, now is the time to make changes to your options.conf file using your favorite text editor. 

When you're ready, what's set, run the following command: 

./build all d 
./build rewrite_confs 
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