How to update software in DirectAdmin

DirectAdmin has a very simple update manager named “custombuild”. This script package allows for the users to install and upgrade services like Apache, PHP, and MySQL from a central place.  

Update DirectAdmin on Almalinux / CentOS based systems 

1. Connect via SSH to your server. 

2. Before upgrading Directadmin, use the following command to see if there are any available updates:  

yum update

If updates are available, the system will confirm if you want to continue, choose 'y'. 

3. The custombuild script should be used to update DirectAdmin: 

cd /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild
./build update 

4. You may use the command to see which updates are available: 

./build versions 

This command gives you a list of all the updates that are presently installed, as well as those that may be installed in the future. 

5. Use the command to install any available updates: 

./build update_versions 

Because all software is compiled on the server, this update procedure may take some time, depending on the number of updates to be applied and the server's speed/resources. 

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