The setup procedure for DirectAdmin

The DirectAdmin Control Panel has been available since 2003. It is fast, reliable, and reasonably priced. Because of this, DirectAdmin is very popular among Linux server administrators. Despite the ever-changing nature of the hosting industry, DirectAdmin has managed to stay ahead of the curve. 

Installing DirectAdmin on your VPS 

We'll install DirectAdmin on a fast SSD VPS for you because you obviously want to start using it as soon as possible. Your license, however, must be manually activated by a member of Tilaa's support team. We will complete this within an hour on weekdays between 9:00 and 20:00. 

An expert from Tilaa helpdesk will email you with your login details. The email will contain a link to your server's administration panel. 

By default, DirectAdmin is launched at http://server-ip-address:2222. The username is 'admin,' and the password is in the e-mail address previously provided. You can be sure that DirectAdmin will perform as expected, if you have any questions, you can always contact us. 

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