How can I keep cPanel up-to-date?

If you want to avoid becoming a victim of malicious attacks and get the latest performance and stability upgrades for your system, you must keep it up to date. cPanel is the most sophisticated hosting control panel in the world, which requires a certain level of security and software update processes to keep up with today's ever-increasing IT requirements. 

How to do a manual cPanel & WHM update 

  1. Firstly, log into your server / WHM account. 
  2. Once you've logged in, go to your WHM home screen, select the search bar and look for “Upgrade” then click “Upgrade to Latest Version.”
  3. Click the 'Click to Upgrade' button on the Upgrade to Latest Version page to start the upgrade.
  4. When the progress bar hits 100%, it will change to green, as will the log output, indicating that the procedure is complete. 

Perform a System Update 

WHM's “System Upgrade” tool allows you to update all of your server's packages to the most recent version. It's worth noting that this will also update any third-party software packages you have installed on your server. Furthermore, this update may delete RPM packages that the system does not require for the upgrade or that are incompatible with your request. To get to it, put “System Update” into the WHM Control Panel's search field, and WHM will offer you with the appropriate function.blobid3.png
When you choose the feature, you'll be sent to a new page with the "Include kernel packages" checkbox. If you select this option, your server's kernel and any related packages will be updated as well.

Please keep in mind that if this option is selected and changes to the kernel's packages have been deployed, a server reboot may be necessary to apply them. 

Press the “Updating” button beneath the “Include kernel packages” checkbox to begin the update process. 

Update your server's software manually. 

The WHM Control Panel gives you the option of updating all of the OS vendor and cPanel-provided software package requirements it has. These dependencies are occasionally upgraded by their suppliers to improve speed, functionality, or security threats. Normally, when a WHM automatic update happens, all of these updates are activated; however, if they are stopped for whatever reason on your server, you may miss a lot of changes. To find it, type “Update Server Software” into the WHM Control Panel's search box, and WHM will suggest the right function. 
Press the “Proceed >>” button in the bottom-right corner of the section to begin the procedure. 
When you hit this button, a changelog will show, detailing the updates that were made. If the update was successful, you should see a “Complete” statement at the bottom of the log. 

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