Can I configure a failover IP?

We offer two kinds of failover IP solutions: failover between 2 datacenters or failover within a single datacenter. For pricing we refer to our pricing page:

When a failover IP within one site is needed a new IP is assigned which can be configured manually on your current interface. 

When a failover IP between 2 sites is needed your servers will be assigned with new network interfaces that will be available after you have restarted your server from your Tilaa dashboard. You then can manually configure your failover IP on this new interface. 

Asynchronous routing should then be enabled by adding the following to /etc/sysctl.conf :

net.ipv4.conf.default.rp_filter = 0  
net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter = 0

You might need failover software to manage the active-passive state of the interfaces and to monitor this. We prefer to use 'keepalived' for this to work see also: 

We can also assist with creating a failover setup however this will be based on our consultancy costs found on

Alternatively, you may wish to proceed on your own, we've got the following instructions available that can guide you in setting up a failover between two nodes:




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